Any pertinent, important or information that needs to be known, will show up here. May want to check back regularly.
Thank you.
Help Information
Some fields are required to assist in login, registration and to help in meeting age elgibility for this league. The required fields are denoted by the asterisk.
The Password needs to contain at least; 1-Cap. Letter & 1-Number.
Email Address
The Email address is used for account login. If this needs to be changed, please contact the web admin.
Acct. Password
Your password should be hard to guess. Use Upper & lower case letters. Also use numbers and/or special characters on your keyboard for stronger passwords. If you need your password changed, please go to the LOGIN page where you have that option.
Fees & Registration
If you have not sent in your payment registration, you can
go here to send in your payment fee.
If checked, then this player has signed up for the draft/orientation as a potential new player.
If checked, then this player is available as a sub for other teams. This is a good way of helping other teams that are short players and getting in extra playing time.
Equipment Sales
Log in under Players, go to sales and contact the person directly.